The LTTA is a Learning, Teaching, Training Activity.
It will happen as a short-term joint staff training event in March 2022 in Italy.
The host of the LTTA will be Mine Vaganti NGO.
As soon as we have addtional information here we will provide it here.

The Activity titel of the LTTA will be:
Librarians – Entrepreneurship mentors

Learning activity will be focused on training the librarians, who will afterwards interact with library visitors who use Entrepreneurship E-learning course.

Training librarians to be a good mentors is important .

  1. Main parts of content of the teaching activity:
    1. raising the understanding of entrepreneurship, production, services, costs and income
    2. librarians will themselves will try to think of ideas and will work on plans of how to it would be to implement the idea in real life. It will be started in Day 1 and the group will return to
      their ideas on each topic they discuss (e.g. how personal traits help the idea)
    3. What is mentoring, and why it is important;
    4. Interaction of Mentor and its Mentee (person that is being mentored)
    5. Most common mistakes in the process of mentoring
    6. Overview of E-learning module on Entrepreneurship for usage in Libraries
  2. There will be at least one guest lecture of the entrepreneur and site visit to entrepreneur or incubator of start-ups.
  3. Participants of this activity will librarians from partnering libraries. The result of the learning activity will be the passion of librarians to help its visitors to start their own entrepreneurship ideas.